Notice: Undefined variable: ub in /home/visitusg/domains/ on line 53

Notice: Undefined variable: ub in /home/visitusg/domains/ on line 65

Deprecated: strripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in /home/visitusg/domains/ on line 65
Batumi - the status of the sport city!
Batumi - the status of the sport city!

Batumi - the status of the sport city!


   ACES Europe is the non-profit association which grants the European countries with the status of "European Sports City",  “European Sports Community", “European Sports Capital” and “European Sports Small Town”. Batumi wants to gain the status of "European Sports City”. The commission will stay for a few days and decide whether give the status to the city or not.
